The Word of God is full of encouraging verses that give us hope and strength for every situation we’re in. Whether you’ve found yourself out of a job, struggling with your relationships, or nervous about an upcoming test or project at work, I’d encourage you to turn to these inspirational bible verses by topic.
In the app you can find bible verses about: inspiration, gratitude, family, faith children,... and many more. It also works offline so you do not need an internet connection to read them, because we all need to be lifted up and encouraged at times and the Bible is a great source for encouragement. The Bible is the living word of God and feeds us through the promises of God found in scripture.Take a deep breath and read through them slowly. We all too often rush through things in life and miss what God is telling us.
Tanrı Sözü bize konum her durum için umut ve güç vermek ayetleri teşvik doludur. Eğer iş yerinde yaklaşan bir test veya proje hakkında ilişkilerinizde ile mücadele, bir iş kendinizi dışarı bulundu, ya da sinir oldum olsun, Ben konuya bu ilham İncil ayetleri açmak için öneririm.
ilham, şükran, aile, inanç çocuklar ... ve daha birçok: app hakkında İncil ayetleri bulabilirsiniz. Biz her zaman yukarı kaldırdı ve teşvik edilmesi gerekir ve İncil teşviki için büyük bir kaynak olduğu için, bunları okumak için bir internet bağlantısına gerek kalmaz, aynı zamanda çevrimdışı çalışır. İncil Tanrı'nın yaşayan kelime ve derin bir nefes scripture.Take bulunan Tanrı'nın vaatlerine bize besler ve yavaş yavaş onları okuyun. Hepimiz çok sık hayatında şeyler acele ve Tanrı anlattıklarını özledim.
The Word of God is full of encouraging verses that give us hope and strength for every situation we’re in. Whether you’ve found yourself out of a job, struggling with your relationships, or nervous about an upcoming test or project at work, I’d encourage you to turn to these inspirational bible verses by topic.
In the app you can find bible verses about: inspiration, gratitude, family, faith children,... and many more. It also works offline so you do not need an internet connection to read them, because we all need to be lifted up and encouraged at times and the Bible is a great source for encouragement. The Bible is the living word of God and feeds us through the promises of God found in scripture.Take a deep breath and read through them slowly. We all too often rush through things in life and miss what God is telling us.